成品大约75x25x15 mm,标签在pdf文件里,打印时建议用米色纸
这些去污剂被分配到一个装有 10 片白色药片的棕色电木盒中。 在气体污染的情况下,应将药片用手压碎并与水混合或吐出以形成糊状物,然后将其涂在患处。 1941年,成品混合液Hautentgiftungssalbe(41)面世,取代和促进去污制剂的制备。 然而,这种转变从未完全实现,平板电脑在战争结束时才问世。 这名士兵在获得瓦斯设备时收到了 4 盒 Losantin。 Losatin 盒应存放在胸前的口袋中,以便快速方便地取用。 盒子底部标有日期,顶部粘有彩色胶带。 这不仅有助于将盖子固定到位,而且还能快速轻松地识别,因为颜色表明了制造年份。
红色(直到并包括 1940 年)
黑色 (1941)
淡绿色 (1942)
黄色 (1943)
These decontaminations were dispensed in a brown bakelite box containing 10 white tablets. In the event of gas contamination, the tablet should be crushed by hand and mixed with water or spit to form a paste, which was then applied to the affected areas.
In 1941, the finished mixed liquid Hautentgiftungssalbe (41) was introduced, which was to replace and facilitate the preparation of the decontamination preparation. However, the transition was never fully achieved and tablets were produced by the end of the war.
The soldier received 4 boxes of Losantin at the time they were given gas equipment. Losatin boxes should be stored in a breast pocket for quick and easy access.
The boxes are marked with a date on the bottom and have a colored adhesive tape that is glued around the top. This not only helped keep the lid in place, but also a quick and easy recognition, as the colors indicated the year of manufacture.
- Red (up to and including 1940)
- Black (1941)
- Light Green (1942)
- Yellow (1943)